
After reading this read also Getting Started Usage


Please follow the instructions here as closely as possible, otherwise we won’t be able to support you in case of issues.

We will be installing a prebuilt version of OSPOS. Do not click on the Green “Clone or Download” button found in the Code view of GitHub. It is NOT a working copy of OSPOS. Instead, in the following instructions, we will be retrieving and installing a prebuilt official release.

Local Deploy install for Unix/Linux environments.

  1. Terminal windows must be open: in MacOSX at Finder->Accesories->Terminal in Linux at Menu->SystemTools->Terminal, then a window with prompt will show, it’s best to elevate to root access with sudo su command.

  2. Dependencies Install: Apache2, MariaDB, PhP with openssl, curl, gd, intl and bcmath, in MAC all these are included in MAMP, in Linux for Deb and RPM based distribution you need apt-get install apache2 mariadb-server php7.4-curl php7.4-mysql php7.4-gd php7.4-intl php7.4-openssl or/and yum install httpd mysql-server php php-bcmath php-dba php-gd php-openssl. Debian does not use “php7.4” bit “php” in their names of the packages. Now finally enable the mod-rewrite module by entering the a2enmod rewrite command.

  3. Htdocs working directory: Change the working directory in the current terminal window, assuming the /var/www/html as the web root html document directory and you can move to by executing cd /var/www/html but remember this depends of the Operating System Apache2 install

  4. Download the latest version from the release section and uncompress it to the htdoc directory

  5. Create database and access: executing in same terminal mysql -u root -e "CREATE SCHEMA ospos;CREATE USER 'admin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'pointofsale';GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ospos . * TO 'admin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'pointofsale' WITH GRANT OPTION;FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"

  6. Populate database with that other command in same terminal mysql -u admin -ppointofsale -D ospos < /var/www/html/database/database.sql

  7. Browse use the web browser and run from http://localhost/public or better

  8. Login by using username as admin and the password pointofsale and then enjoy the software.

Now next to Getting Started Usage

Local Docker install

  1. Terminal windows must be open: in MacOSX at Finder->Accesories->Terminal in Linux at Menu->SystemTools->Terminal, then a window with prompt will show, in Linux flavors must gain root access only for next step with sudo su command

  2. Dependencies install: docker.io, please refer to the docker documentation for better instructions: in MAC all included in docker.img file by launching it, drag Moby the whale to the Applications folder and later relaunch service from Finder, in Linux for Deb and RPM based distribution are apt-get install docker.io or/and yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo;yum install -y docker-ce respectively, oldstable deb distributions may need “backports” or “external” repositories. After install hit “CRTL+D” to exit the root shell.

  3. Dockerplace working directory for the dockerfile of ospos: this change the working directory in the current terminal window, assuming the ~ represent your home with a docker root document directory and you can move to by executing mkdir ~/osposdocker;cd ~/osposdocker.

  4. Download the latest version of from the release section and uncompress it to the htdoc directory

  5. Build+Run the image with following commands docker-compose build and then later docker-compose up, take in consideration password administrative privileges for the database users.

Now next to Getting Started Usage More info in the wiki page Extras for Docker cloud maintenance must be read.

See also:

Cloud Install

Cloud Deploy installation

For Cloud hosting we recommend DigitalOcean (click here) where you will get a $100 free credit and send a referral back to the project as a donation!

  1. Create a Digitalocean account and once complete go log in.

  2. Choose a Debian Droplet by click the Create button in the top right hand corner, and later from the dropdown menu.

  3. OneClickApp as the LAMP on 9 app, clik the One click apps link. Scroll down, and choose a size. Then scroll down to Choose a datacenter region. Select the region closest to you. Finally select a hostname as osposdo

  4. Connecting: Now click the Create button to create your droplet. When your droplet has been created, you’ll receive an email from DigitalOcean. This will have the information to log in. You now have the information needed to log in to your server. If you have Mac or Linux, you can use the built-in terminal program SSH as ssh root@<digitalocean's-ip>.

  5. Install software, apache and mysql/mariadb are already there. You only need to enable the mod-rewrite module by a2enmod rewrite then PHP modules by apt-get install php-intl php-openssl php-bcmath php-curl Type “Y” when it asks if you want to continue. Finally restart service by service apache2 restart

  6. Download the latest version from the release section and uncompress it to a directory of choice

  7. Create database and access: executing in same terminal mysql -u root -p -e "CREATE SCHEMA ospos;CREATE USER 'admin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'pointofsale';GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ospos . * TO 'admin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'pointofsale' WITH GRANT OPTION;FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" the DigitalOcean’s password are in the filesystem, get with cat /root/.digitalocean_password

  8. Populate database with that other command in same terminal mysql -u admin -ppointofsale -D ospos < /var/www/html/database/database.sql

  9. Browse using the web browser and run from http://<digitalocean-ip>/public changing the “digitalocean-ip” with that provided in the mail previously received.

  10. Login by using username as admin and the password are pointofsale and then enjoy the software.

Now next to Getting Started Usage

More info in the wiki page Extras for Docker cloud maintenance must be read.

Professional Install

This section its dedicated to those that will deploy in secure and serious production environments.

Professional Install Local

Professional install will assumed behing a complex network, that will redirect the port and the path of the OSPOS installation due a front webserver will receive the request and firewall/reverseproxy will redirect to the ospos server install place.

Other Install guides

See also: