
The translation process are made by two ways. In normal way translations are made in a web interface, an later this interface API integrates to github.

  1. New strings must be added manually to each file in language directory and then the interface will sync those new strings.
  2. Already untranslated string are not added manually to the files in language directory, must be made in the interface.

That interface its named Weblate (http://weblate.jpeelaer.net) and sign up to help translating this fine application. After registering you can subscribe to different languages and you will be notified once a new translation is added.

Translation status

Translation status

Translation status

Translations Guideline

See also OSPOS development index: translation section


While not all guidelines will apply straight to all languages, we’d like to propose a few “Translation Guidelines” to be used and recommended for all translations:

Translation in the “old way” (pre 3.0.0)

In order to add a translation below steps should be followed (German is an example in this case):