OSPOS also can be used for businesses that are based on weighted items, example: Dairy Markets, Grocery Shops, Roasteries, Veggies & Fruits Market, etc…
The idea is that you configure the scale to readout the variables in a fixed string format. Most scales are regular USB devices that can be configured to send keys as if they were a keyboard. One thing you need to do is setup the format in OSPOS so it knows which data goes where.
The feature allows you to use a specific barcode format to parse the barcode set in configuration panel as below:
As you can see, the input field should be filled with the barcode format you are printing using the weighing scale.
Below is a filled in example:
The format adheres to the token formatting used also in (invoices, quotes and work orders).
Please set the quantity decimals to 2 in order to make the system parse the quantities correctly. For further info, we are just a click away!