
Quick Overview Of Features

Please for complete feature see the Complete List of Features here below, this its a quick reference

❔ Wanted feature… 🚀 What can do… ℹ️ What cannot do…
Point of Sale (POS) Sell products or/and services and apply multiple payments (inclusivelly different types) to the sale, include a featured Restaurant Tables module, Purchase Orders Advanced Transaction Types such as Special Orders, Back Orders and Layaways, Credit accounting sales
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Add customers, import/export from CSV, maintain customer profiles and view full sales history, and market to them via email marketing and SMS marketing Accounts Receivable / House Accounts, OSPOS has CRM features but no A.R. features, No multi tenancy with one deployment.
Inventory Management Create stock (any product) and non-stock items (articles), …with custom fields. Import/export from CSV. Generate amd read barcodes Inventory Matrix, Track items features, colors, materials. Support QR codes (see #1935)
Multilingual Web Interface (i18n GUI) Multilingual support with regionalisation, Selectable Boostrap (Bootswatch) based UI theme End-user customize interface like Wordpress but with little coding can be done. No regionalisation per items attributes
Reporting Customers, Inventory and Transactions (sales or returns) There are reports, but no dashboard that shares Top Sales, Top Suppliers, Best Selling Items, Top Customers, etc. See #1433
Expense Modules Added and summarize basic expenses, no accounting needs Accounting with expenses over the sales are out of scope
Gift Card and Rewards Issue gift cards from as a payment method, Customers rewards Management of accounting gift cards, expired dates on rewards

The following section has the complete list of each feature and compressive guides to use them:

Complete List of Features

A quick overview of those modules can be found at the Getting Started Usage wiki page, here were detailed all the features of the Open Source Point Of Sale software:

See also